Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where have we been

Yeah, so this blog thing really only works out if you actually take the time to write something and post it.  I guess this is probably the downfall of many people who attempt to blog.  Everyone starts these things with the best of intentions but then gets side tracked by life's meaningless struggles and forgets to actually sit down and put pen to paper (electronically speaking)!

So what has kept me busy the last few days?  Well, after our last post, 2 plus weeks ago, we decided to explore multiple life-paths.  I contacted a local business broker to no avail.  Turns out that despite the economy's problems that there is very little available in the Richmond area.  There are actually more buyers than sellers right now.  Who would thunk that, huh?

With me getting more and more desperate and more and more depressed by the idea that I would have to enter the pit of despair that is corporate America, Kel and I had a bit of an epiphany: It seems that Richmond is holding us back.  The more we talked, the more we realized that being here is SOOO comfortable.  Its so easy.  We won't make any big breaks as long as we sit in easy land.  Nothing will ever be different for us.  

We made a mutual decision to try and find good reasons to move.  Moving is never easy, so it is smart to ensure you have a good reason before you commit yourself to a huge undertaking.  After a bit of research and brainstorming we decided that grad school was a legitimate reason to go.

I am excited to say that today, I posted my application to the Masters of Engineering Management program and the University of Colorado in Boulder.  I almost hate to write those words down because, due to my rather large ego, I fear to tell the world only to get turned down.  I think its probably a 50/50 shot that I'll get in and get a chance to delve back into the world of academia again.  I won't bore you with all the reasons it could or could not work but will, at the present moment, leave you to your own suppositions as to why I worry.  Maybe you'll be lucky and I'll tell you later why I feel the way I do...or maybe I won't!

Well, I'll end today's post with a promise to write more regularly.  I won't commit to daily, but more regularly would be better than the present.