Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Chance to Share

Why write a blog?  In today's world, it seems that everyone is doing it to greater or lesser success. With everyone and their grandmother writing about their daily interactions and lives of their families, it takes a lot to stand out.  But maybe I don't care if I stand out?  Maybe this blog is all about me and what I want.  Sure, I'd love to find out that a year down the road I have hundreds of followers, but, for now at least, I'm comfortable with expressing myself in some sort of cathartic way.

So, with that said, Reader Beware, What will follow on a daily or weekly, probably,  irregular pattern will be nothing more than the rantings of someone who feels the need to share.  Sometimes what I write will be personal and therefore matter little to you, the general public.  Other times it may be hilariously funny socio-political commentary, who knows?  But what I can tell you, is that, if you choose to read what I write then you do so at your own risk and therefore take full responsibility for how you spend your time.

Since I've now lightened my conscience by giving you the full caveat emptor treatment, I will add that I've always been a bit hungry for attention.  This blog is probably an extension of that need to show off.  Instead of my desire being fulfilled on a stage with a bass guitar in my hand, I'm just choosing to do this the easy way from an arm chair with the internet as a backdrop.  This means, in short, that I'd love to have you read what I write if for no other reason than it's cool.  

Please enjoy and feel free to come back whenever you want.  Consider this an open invitation to waste your valuable time seeing the world through my eyes (and maybe my wife's if I can convince her to write once in a while).  But remember that if you laugh or cry, find enjoyment or pain, are entertained or bored, you made the choice to spend your time with us and thus have only yourself to blame. :)

Michael Turner
Team Turner