Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Fun Begins...

Its tough to know where to begin this blog.  You know next to nothing about me, or us for that matter, and therefore, starting almost anywhere is difficult.  But, since I decided to write this blog for me as much as you, I will start where I want to, right here, right now.

We recently, in the last seven months, got home from a trip all over the world.  Sounds like fun don't it, well it was.  If you want to know about it check it out here: TravelBlog  So, we recently returned and are now going through the fun of figuring out what the future holds in store for us.  

While this sounds like it should be easy, its really rather the opposite.  Sure, we could both go back to sucking on the corporate breast and live happy, if dull, lives again like we did before we left, but that seems like a step back.  Once you've tasted adventure, its tough to give it up.  How could two adventurous and fun people like us just go back to doing the 9-5 thing.  But herein lies the problem, that (being corporate America) is all we know.

This brings us back around to now, today.  I sit here writing a blog while my beautiful wife (who you will hear gobs more about in the future) is slaving away at a local law firm doing finance.  They treat her well but they can't get close to making her job as much fun as staying home being a bum like me.  Thus, we have been having a touch of difficulty betwixt ourselves as Kel tries to be nice about the fact that she hates going to work while I get to stay home.

The solution...

Well, what is the solution?  That is the million dollar question and that is the focus of our fourth of July weekend.  While the rest of the world does the standard cook-out, bar-b-que, drink beer till we pass out thing, we will be brainstorming solutions for our future.  We will certainly do this Team Turner Style which is a conglomerate of our personalities and more than a touch of our Capital One training (that's what life was pre-trip).  This will most likely involve lots of writing, lots of brainstorming, lots of kel being uber creative while I act uber skeptical and hopefully, if our brains work right, the stars align and we catch a little bit of luck, we will be able to report out to you, the world, what Team Turner will be doing with the next five years. 

So with that said, wish us luck on our brainstorming adventure.  Hopefully it will be fruitful and painless.

Have a happy 4th of July!!