Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The 2 Street Fest and the lesser Church Hill Italian Fest

As often occurs, Kel managed to talk me into going to festivals on Saturday the 5th (I'm a bit behind in the blog at the moment...sorry folks). Having lived in Richmond all my life, I have never attended either of these festivals because both occur in parts of town I am unfamiliar and sometimes uncomfortable with. Despite my misgivings, we had tons of fun but I would have to say the 2nd Street Festival is much more fun that the Italian Fest which turned out to be a white people, Italian Food, eat-a-thon.

Here are the pics...enjoy!

2nd Street Fest:

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

There were some cool old cars!!
From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

Obviously a very Probama event...
From 2 Street and Italian Fests

Richmond Boy's Chior
From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests
The Church Hill Italian Fest (Eat-a-thon)

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

All the food stands:
From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests