Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The 2 Street Fest and the lesser Church Hill Italian Fest

As often occurs, Kel managed to talk me into going to festivals on Saturday the 5th (I'm a bit behind in the blog at the moment...sorry folks). Having lived in Richmond all my life, I have never attended either of these festivals because both occur in parts of town I am unfamiliar and sometimes uncomfortable with. Despite my misgivings, we had tons of fun but I would have to say the 2nd Street Festival is much more fun that the Italian Fest which turned out to be a white people, Italian Food, eat-a-thon.

Here are the pics...enjoy!

2nd Street Fest:

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

There were some cool old cars!!
From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

Obviously a very Probama event...
From 2 Street and Italian Fests

Richmond Boy's Chior
From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests
The Church Hill Italian Fest (Eat-a-thon)

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

All the food stands:
From 2 Street and Italian Fests

From 2 Street and Italian Fests

Monday, October 13, 2008

An Afternoon with Annie

Last weekend we got a chance to hang our with our best friends Don and Lindsay Mears of Don Mears Photography and their daughter Annie. As usual I had my camera on hand. Enjoy the photos...

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

From Afternoon with Annie

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The State Fair of Virginia

Special thanks to Kevin and Julia Correll who braved the VA State fair with us last weekend. It was as fun as a fair can be...much people watching, a little eating of horrible foods, and a few shows lead to a great afternoon.

Some of my Faves:

Elephant Ears:
From The State Fair

From The State Fair

Walking Taco...
From The State Fair

Creepy Monkey show:
From The State Fair

And Everyone's Reaction to said Creept MOnkey show:
From The State Fair

From The State Fair

Funnel CAKE!!
From The State Fair

How Furry is a Pharaoh?? Like incredibly hairy??
From The State Fair

You decided to wear what??
From The State Fair

From The State Fair

Did that guy just eat the fifth kid??
From The State Fair

Is he throwing a gang sign??
From The State Fair

From The State Fair

Here's the whole album of Pics:
The State Fair

Hope you enjoyed!!