Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hike at the Boulder Reservoir

Kel is just now getting better enough to actually enjoy the Boulder hiking oaths. While her ACL is still healing we will play it safe so, instead of heading to some of the more difficult and beautiful paths, we decided that the Boulder Reservoir was a good place to enjoy some outside time. This area is where I run with Fast Forward Fitness three days a week. Not a bad place to have to get a workout, no?

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

From A Walk at the Boulder Reservoir

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Hike at Chautauqua with Barry

Barry Lewis, an old friend from both college and Richmond, happened to be in town this weekend for a wedding. He was nice enough to spend some time with me which amounted to a mid-afternoon hike up at Chautauqua. He goes back a long way and has seen me change from a young pup to the person I am today. Despite me being his RA in summer school, his roommate our first year out of school and having seen me get married and move away, Barry is still a great friend. Check out the pics...

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

From Chautauqua with Barry

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bolder Boulder

This past Monday (Memorial Day) was the 31st Annual Bolder Boulder 10k. Its quite a tradition of partying and fitness here in Boulder and seems perfectly at home in this area. Boulder is renowned for running and has one of the highest concentrations of professional athletes (mainly triathletes, runners and cyclists) in the United States. Being my first ever race, it was both exciting and nerve-racking. I did pretty darn well for a first timer with a finish of 48:33 putting me in the top 6% of competitors for the day! Afterward, Kel and I walked along the course to take in the craziness of parties and 55,000 runners. We walked for four miles and were passed by a constant stream of competitors for almost an hour...people started at 7am and the race ended around 11am!! Check out some pics below...

Me at the beginning of the race (mile 1.25)
From Bolder Boulder

Me Passing Kel at mile 5.25. She said I was looking good...I felt pretty tired at this point
From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

A constant stream of competitors for miles:
From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

Oh, and then there's the craziness!!!!!
From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

Slip'n'Slide anyone?
From Bolder Boulder

The annual Leap-Frog team has it down to a science!
From Bolder Boulder

It couldn't be Boulder without a Global Warming protest:
From Bolder Boulder

The Bride is second from the right. I think she got off easy!
From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

Then there were the pros...VERY FAST!
From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

From Bolder Boulder

Kel and I were both impressed with teh wheel chair racers!
From Bolder Boulder